1984 >> July >> Letters to the Editor  

Letters to the Editor

Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", July 1984, page 34

Dear Dora: 

I started to collect insulators about 12 years ago and have heard many stories concerning their history. One that has always intrigued me was the possibility that Wm. Randolph Hearst ordered the CD 206 Castle made for his use at San Simeon. 

In March of 1984 I wrote to the officials at San Simeon, to see if they could shed any light on this matter. I included a copy of Milholland's book showing the Castle, also a copy of the drawing from Woodward's book.

The letter I received in answer to this question seems to set the record straight. I told them that their answer would be published in the Crown Jewels. (Following is a copy of the original letter from San Simeon.)
Happy collecting,
D. N. Allsbrook Jr.
NIA 2062 

April 19, 1984

D. N. Allsbrook Jr.
10800 Woodside Avenue #149
Santee, California 92071

Dear Mr. Allsbrook:

In regard to your letter of March 26, we have no records of such glass insulators ever being used at the Hearst San Simeon State Historical Monument.

We are sorry that we are not able to help you at this time.

Renee J. Lewin
Regional Administrative Officer


What is the U # for the insulator on the front of this notice (to left)?
Shane Frederiksen

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There is no U number for the Universal insulator, nick-named "FIRE PLUG", shown on the top left of our pink renewal notice. It has no threads.

This insulator was patented by Albert Stadermann, and it was made in three sizes, models No. 1001, 1002, and 1003. Embossing varies, but usually one side will say UNIVERSAL and the model number, and the other side, PAT. April 12, 1910. A patent picture is shown below, also sketches of the three different models. (This info from Gerald Brown's book, "Collectible Porcelain Insulators", third edition, page 246.)

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